This project is in pre-production. We are looking for partners, co-producers and additional funding. Contact us for more info



A film about the history of Omis, a small city on Dalmatian coast that in 12th and 13th century successfully resisted the world's leading naval and merchant power, Republic of Venice.



"Pirates of Omis" is a story of David and Goliath - a story about Omis, the small city on Dalmatian coast that for several centuries managed to successfully resist and fight against the world's leading naval and merchant superpower of that era - the Republic of Venice.
It is a story told from two different and often conflicting perspectives. The pirates of Omis were considered as heroes and protectors by the local people, while Venetian rulers and government thought of them as enemies and villains who have to be exterminated. Even today, many centuries later, the experts from Croatia and Italy are divided between these two interpretations of history, while the pirate legacy is celebrated and glorified each year in Omis in the way of a hugely popular annual tourist event "The Pirate Battle".
This film will try to explore the truth about these intriguing and often poorly documented historic events. We are visiting museums with rare artefacts, authentic historic locations and fortresses in search for the answers. We'll try to depict and understand the way of life on the Dalmatian coast, and in the city of Venice during the period between 11th and 15th century. The film will explore the story of Omiš and Venice through an audio-visual collage of interviews and testimonials, maps, animations, cinematic techniques and even stylized reconstructions of historic events.
And through the story of "Pirates of Omis" emerges the main theme of the film: the way we perceive history. Because, history often seems to be interpreted in many different ways and through various double standards, so in the lack of concrete evidence, we sometimes accept fiction as a fact. This is true, not only in case of a distant history, but even for the most recent events happening in the world today.


Trailer / teaser:



Documentary feature film
Year: 2017-18.
Duration: 80 min.
Production: Dream Division
Directed by: Ivan Perić
Written by:: Ivan Perić, Joško Stella, based on materials by Bože Mimica
Producers: Marko Kapitanović, Dragan Kovačević
Editor:: Dragan Kovačević


Press Kit:

Pirates of Omiš - promo brochure (PDF)



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